新年快樂! Happy New Year!
在一年之始謹祝大家新年蒙福! 在剛過去的十二月我們喜見四位姊妹受浸歸入主名下,願她們在往後日子繼績於主內成長! At the turn of the year we wish you all a Happy New Year! We welcomed four...
我們誠意邀請你來參加我們的中文 (粵語及普通話) 及英文主日崇拜、團契和查經班。
We cordially invite you to join our Sunday Service, fellowship and Bible study cell groups, in both Chinese (Cantonese & Mandarin) and English.
我們誠意邀請你來參加我們的中文 (粵語及普通話) 及英文主日崇拜、團契和查經班。
We cordially invite you to join our Sunday Service, fellowship and Bible study cell groups, in both Chinese (Cantonese & Mandarin) and English.