14/03/2020 更新
1. 因主日學的Splash及Bubbles組是在較封閉的房間教學,本會決定暫時取消此組別的主日學。除了每月一次的家庭崇拜及月中的副堂英語崇拜外,此組的兒童將在副堂參加英語音樂敬拜後被帶往大堂參加主日崇拜,到時將按需要提供英語翻譯。而較年長的Xtreme組則會在英語敬拜後於副堂上課。
2. 任何人士如有新發的徵狀 (包括不斷咳嗽、氣喘或體溫達攝氏37.8度或以上),請不要在發現徵狀後的14日內出席教會崇拜及其他教會活動。教會將提供網上設施,令有需要的會眾能在網上與我們聚會;而本週日的崇拜也會以Youtube廣播,詳情將會於稍後公佈。
3. 長者及有長期病患的人士請儘量留在家中並使用網上設施參與教會崇拜及聚會:oxccc.org/live
4. 教會將於本主日介紹有關的綱上設施,我們也會在不同網上渠道及群組作有關介紹
5. 小組及團契請儘量在網上進行
6. 主日崇拜將不以奉獻袋收奉獻,請大家將預備好的奉獻放入正門司事枱上的奉獻箱
7. 如教會的抗疫措施有任可改動,我們會即時以群組及教會網站通知會眾
為減低傳播流感的風險,國民保健服務 (NHS) 建議:
The UK Government has announced the implementation of the delayed phase in response to the coronavirus outbreak. After careful consideration the Church leaders have confirmed that Sunday Service will continue, with the following additional recommendations:
1. There will be no Sunday School for the Splash and Bubbles groups, as they are conducted in a more enclosed classrooms. Other than the monthly Family Service and English Service, the children in these groups shall join the main congregation in the Main Hall after English worship. Translation headsets will be provided for live English translation of the sermon. The older children in Xtreme shall have their classes in the Adjacent Hall.
2. All those with new symptoms (including continuous cough, shortness of breath or a temperature of 37.8 degrees or above), please do not attend any Church Service or activities in the 14 days after onset of symptoms. Sunday Service will be streamed live on the Church Youtube channel, details to follow.
3. Elderly and those with chronic disease are advised to stay at home and join the Church Service online.
4. There will be demonstration of our online facilities for people to join us in our Sunday Service.
5. Groups and fellowship shall be conducted online if possible: oxccc.org/live
6. We will no longer pass the offering bags and, instead, will place them at the entrance on the ushers' desk.
7. Further news on our efforts and response in controlling the coronavirus shall be updated via our website and social media group.
The most effective way in preventing infections remain our attention on personal hygiene, and we would reiterate the advice on cleansing your hands with soap and water, or alcohol gel.
The NHS recommends that to reduce the risk of spreading flu:
wash your hands often with warm water and soap
use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze
bin used tissues as quickly as possible
avoid close contact with people with symptoms of flu